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Don and Susan Bossi know it takes a village to grow life-changing FIRST ® programs to reach every student, everywhere. They've been part of the village for more than a decade, helping to advance the FIRST mission across the globe. Don was president of the FIRST organization from 2013 to 2019. During that time, both he and Susan volunteered in many capacities, from assembling FIRST® LEGO® League kits to giving their time as event volunteers. Don now serves on the Board of Directors. Don and Susan are also donors, and their continued generosity supports the legacy of FIRST for generations to come.

FIRST Staff: Why is FIRST so important to you?

Don & Susan: FIRST programs are truly game-changing for youth of all ages and backgrounds. The passion and skills that kids develop in FIRST can truly help them break through a myriad of "glass ceilings."

FIRST Staff: What is your best memory of your involvement with FIRST so far?

Don & Susan: We love the international aspect of FIRST programs across all age groups. It's amazing to see kids from all over the world come together, especially at the FIRST Championship, to celebrate their shared interests and common humanity.

FIRST Staff: What legacy do you hope to leave for your family and the world to see?

Don & Susan: We'd love to help make the life-changing impact of FIRST programs available and accessible to kids everywhere.

FIRST Staff: What do you wish others to know as they consider supporting FIRST with a legacy gift?

Don & Susan: FIRST is the epitome of the saying that "it takes a village to raise a child." We need everyone's engagement - including government, corporate, and individual supporters - to change the world, and we can truly do that through these programs. Hopefully, we can each contribute something.

FIRST Staff: What is your hope for FIRST participants in the future?

Don & Susan: Our hope is that it becomes even easier for all kids to access and engage in FIRST programs so that they can develop critical life and professional skills, learn Gracious Professionalism®, and ultimately use these tools to solve the world's most pressing problems.

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*Please note: The names and image above are representative of a typical donor and may or may not be an actual donor to our organization. Since your benefits may be different, you may want to click here to view an example of your benefits.

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